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Support jpg.fish horrible lag


Tier 3 Sub
Apr 30, 2022
Since jpg.church changed to jpg.fish, I've had ongoing issues with absolutely atrocious download speeds from there. It may have been happening before the change as well, and I just didn't notice because I wasn't as active. Even the thumbs take forever to load. I'm not talking about "boohoo, I'm only downloading at 8MB/s when my max is 40".. I'm currently getting speeds of 12kB/s, which is average what I've been getting over the past month or two. It's not even remotely a problem with my internet, I have a dedicated cable line with plenty of excess, and I check my speeds and packets regularly.

Is the site just under constant DDOS attack?

Are the servers inadequate for the amount of users and traffic on them?

Are the servers located in Antarctica? I've got a good vpn that I can fire up in 100 different countries if that would help, but I can't do that without knowing what country they're hosted in.

Anything that would help is much appreciated. I'm under the impression that the same guys that run this site also run it, so I figured this would be the best place to ask about it. The fact that people aren't going crazy about it makes me think it's something based on my location and proximity to the servers, but I'm in the U.S., which plenty of users are, I'm sure.

Obviously 12-13kB/s is unusable, but I've seen no mention of it from anyone else. Help a brother out, please.
Recent jpg.fish images (simp6) are loading pretty quick lately, it was terrible a few weeks back but that got resolved by dropping cloudflare who were rate limiting things. Some of the other servers are slow but not as slow as you suggest so seems like maybe something wrong at your end, you could try flushing DNS see if that helps
Recent jpg.fish images (simp6) are loading pretty quick lately, it was terrible a few weeks back but that got resolved by dropping cloudflare who were rate limiting things. Some of the other servers are slow but not as slow as you suggest so seems like maybe something wrong at your end, you could try flushing DNS see if that helps
I'll try that, thank you. I'll also try vpn connections to see if my ISP happens to be throttling bandwidth there, for some odd reason. Unlikely, but won't hurt.

Do you happen to know the location of the servers, so I can set my vpn to that area? Even regional location would help me narrow it down, if you prefer no specifics..

Edit: DNS flush didn't help, though I'm still running the cyberdrop downloader from before the flush. I'll try a fresh one when that finishes.

Here's the link I'm attempting to grab: https://jpg5.su/a/chloe-bennet.qF0h -- it's obviously an old link, maybe that's why it's as slow as it is? Would explain that one specifically, though I've had the same speeds with newer uploads as well.

I've been downloading this for well over an hour, maybe two..
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Can confirm, for me also slow speed, but only for jpg.church

If i'm change to jpg.fish it's works with high speed loading, also affected picture source addresses

simp1.jpg5.su/images/*/*/*/name.jpg - normal speed
simp1.jpg5.su/images/*/*/*/name.jpg - slow speed

Also if change album address from .church to .fish, on open source picture it still use .church
Can confirm, for me also slow speed, but only for jpg.church

If i'm change to jpg.fish it's works with high speed loading, also affected picture source addresses

simp1.jpg5.su/images/*/*/*/name.jpg - normal speed
simp1.jpg5.su/images/*/*/*/name.jpg - slow speed

Also if change album address from .church to .fish, on open source picture it still use .church
Yep, my link above is the simp1.jpg.church server (and simp2) and they're the ones that are very slow. I tested some new links from users here that were on simp6 and they were normal.
If i'm change to jpg.fish it's works with high speed loading, also affected picture source addresses

simp1.jpg5.su/images/*/*/*/name.jpg - normal speed
simp1.jpg5.su/images/*/*/*/name.jpg - slow speed
Good spot there

Also if change album address from .church to .fish, on open source picture it still use .church
Correct, only the front end has been intentionally changed / redirected to jpg.fish as of right now
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