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Simp Chat Jade Honey

Could you guys tell me how long have you followed Jade Honey?
And why you subscribed or unsubscribed ..?
Yesterday my Twitter feed got absolutely swamped with reposts of stuff I couldn't give two big steaming shits about, and it was all coming from Jade's account. I thought I might have to Unfollow her, then considered sending a DM to advise her that she'd lose followers if she carried on like that, but while I was looking for the DM-facility, I stumbled upon a 'Turn off Reposts' option - so all is once again right with the world ...

... But it has got me wondering if she might have contracted out the management of her socials, as that new, free OF has seen hardly any activity since it's initial update, and no messages at all - this seems out of character, from what I've heard about her original, non-free OF (I'm not a subscriber).

Thoughts, anyone ..?
That seems to be the case. I thought it's odd that she has started a second page. She could barely make some time to film content as it is, she is a single mom with 3 kids and all the training and high-maintenance girl stuff she does takes up a lot of her time. And I know for a fact she doesn't know any of the girls she's reposting about.
Back then she would only film OF content on Thursdays, the days she didn't have the kids with her.
I'll subscribe to her free page this weekend and try to figure it out...
Does anybody knows where is she?
Her Instagram, X, OnlyFans, she's been absent for 2 weeks...
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