I got blocked by her on IG for calling her out not too long ago.
If you follow her there she has ranted at times in her stories about people questioning how she able to pay for her jet setting lifestyle, clearly suspecting she is/was a high-end escort or sugar baby.
But one day, I finally replied. I told her in response one day like, what do you expect us to think? Or words to that effect, because as you said. Literally gallivating all over the world for prolonged periods in multimillion homes, bragging about upgrading several of her friends to first class on her dime as a surprise, etc etc. I think I said it in her main thread here when she went to Dubai (undoubtedly not the first time for someone of her ilk) I hope she isn't in cashing in, a little jokingly but knowing she surely was.
I honestly wouldn't have replied, but while I like what she does in using her platform to push good issues, the hypocrisy of her lifestyle is kinda funny.
Like she said in her stories, she is adamant it's her money that she has earned she is spending. Bullshit. She doesn't really advertise much neither.
So if someone makes a thread on her for her IG content, need someone to post all her content. Stories and TL lmao.