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Simp Chat Emiru Schizoposting/Simp Chat

I didn't watch because it didn't interest me, but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend as if that one stream alone isn't more talked about than anything Emiru has done in at least the past 6 months.
Talked more by who? you? I just looked it s An 8k peak stream of 7h is crazy that is a horrible stream for emi.And Emi had multiple stream of 30k on her own or where she was the main actor ? what saying carried is crazy I swear but when u are successful u will get haters let get EE carried by cinna or Russel like emi lol and see how much viewership she will get oh wait she already colabbed with them and with miz and nmp she did colabs like emi but the viewership is not close .Also she is collabing with Knut right now.

Bro it's always these schizo swearing this girl or that girl is going to surpass emi and they never do. Swearing Emi is going to fall off and she is literally getting the most follower out of everyone of OTk and her avg increased.
Emi did one 2h 3h stream with her cousin getting 27k peak and 24k avg viewership btw more than what EE is doing now speaking straight out of your fantasy mind.
EE had the whole hype of the new gym.You are acting as if EE is getting 30k a stream while she stream getting a bigger gyatt on the title in an influencer gym streaming close to 5h and averaging 16k for 4 streams lol if emi avg 16k in 4 streams nobody will even blink bcc its normal . Yeah in ur mind EE is the bigger streamer but in reality she isn't , sorry ur preference are not what the majority is liking . Look at the last 15 streams it's not even close. Bro speaking nonsense while the number are literally out there and they are not close. Talk to me when EE avg just 8k while playing a game in her room
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Okay, am I tripping or was there not a clip of her showing bush recently? I saw it this morning and have scoured the reddit I found it on- it's been wiped from the internet.
She’s cute, but tbh I don’t see the resemblance to Emi all that much, except for a few very specific poses/angles I’ve seen her in. I think Emiru is far superior in every way, so idk if clone is the right word to use cause in my opinion they’re on two completely different levels
Mar has better legs and ass, but I would agree Emi is more attractive in every other way.
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Miz sperged out about all the gifts Emi gets in her PO box, so now she must obey her BF and tell her viewers not to send her any more gifts beacuse mizzy wizzy gets jealous :peepoWew:
It's about people buying her expensive tech like monitors, consoles or phones. She can buy those herself. She wants thoughtful or hand-made gifts for the PO box
Talked more by who? you? I just looked it s An 8k peak stream of 7h is crazy that is a horrible stream for emi.And Emi had multiple stream of 30k on her own or where she was the main actor ? what saying carried is crazy I swear but when u are successful u will get haters let get EE carried by cinna or Russel like emi lol and see how much viewership she will get oh wait she already colabbed with them and with miz and nmp she did colabs like emi but the viewership is not close .Also she is collabing with Knut right now.

Bro it's always these schizo swearing this girl or that girl is going to surpass emi and they never do. Swearing Emi is going to fall off and she is literally getting the most follower out of everyone of OTk and her avg increased.
Emi did one 2h 3h stream with her cousin getting 27k peak and 24k avg viewership btw more than what EE is doing now speaking straight out of your fantasy mind.
EE had the whole hype of the new gym.You are acting as if EE is getting 30k a stream while she stream getting a bigger gyatt on the title in an influencer gym streaming close to 5h and averaging 16k for 4 streams lol if emi avg 16k in 4 streams nobody will even blink bcc its normal . Yeah in ur mind EE is the bigger streamer but in reality she isn't , sorry ur preference are not what the majority is liking . Look at the last 15 streams it's not even close. Bro speaking nonsense while the number are literally out there and they are not close. Talk to me when EE avg just 8k while playing a game in her room
So, there's streamer awards voting going on and Emiru is nominated for one against EE. I haven't seen a single person vote for Emiru but I've seen all her peers vote for EE or Fanfan. What does that tell you? Stop thinking her inflated numbers mean anything. If Emiru were to leave the comfy combines of the Asmon and Miz simps, she'd be back down to 1k viewers, because shes not entertaining at all.

I also find it hilarious you call someone a schizo when you probably spent 2-3 hours combing through vods just to type a paragraph that no one will read.
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So, there's streamer awards voting going on and Emiru is nominated for one against EE. I haven't seen a single person vote for Emiru but I've seen all her peers vote for EE or Fanfan. What does that tell you? Stop thinking her inflated numbers mean anything. If Emiru were to leave the comfy combines of the Asmon and Miz simps, she'd be back down to 1k viewers, because shes not entertaining at all.

I also find it hilarious you call someone a schizo when you probably spent 2-3 hours combing through vods just to type a paragraph that no one will read.
Either way Emiru is too big to fail right now. She made enough money to retire right now or if somehow Emiru drops to a couple hundred of viewers and needs money. Emiru only needs to go to Onlys Fan and she'll be back where she started.
It's about people buying her expensive tech like monitors, consoles or phones. She can buy those herself. She wants thoughtful or hand-made gifts for the PO box
Not just the price of the things but the intentions. The monitor guy was escalating and making it weird. He put out an apology tweet that he deleted, where he admits he did it because he loves her.
Not just the price of the things but the intentions. The monitor guy was escalating and making it weird. He put out an apology tweet that he deleted, where he admits he did it because he loves her.
This was the my point too, I saw the tweets. Idk why Marika thinks that telling us "Emi can buy her own monitors." adds anything of value.
Anyway - the headliner here, if you read between the lines, is that the message doesn't come from emi herself. She's had PO boxes for a decade, why the sudden change, right? If you saw miz's rant, you'd know. Healthy relationship :peepoWew: /s
Not just the price of the things but the intentions. The monitor guy was escalating and making it weird. He put out an apology tweet that he deleted, where he admits he did it because he loves her.
did a motherfucker actually buy this girl a monitor in a stunt to show his affection? lmao thats so many different things, surely that tweet got captured if anyone has it I would love to see it.
do you have a screenshot of that tweet? or remember what it said?
It was a video and was unfortunately deleted by the next morning. It opened with him introducing himself and then apologizing if he made her pobox openings weird or made her feel creeped out. He then goes on to explain that when he falls for someone he likes to spend money on them. That when he falls for someone he listens to love songs on YouTube and that drives his actions. He also mentions the letter and asks her to not read it on stream.
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