Simp Chat Caroline Zalog Simp Chat


Tier 3 Sub
Jan 13, 2022
I no longer follow her so don't have it. Also what did I do wrong that the post was deleted?
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May 5, 2024
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I totally feel you on that. It has been so frustrating for years hoping that the next video will show what everyone wants to see. But she knows that and that's why she gets away with it. I don't even really get hard for her anymore, but I still skip around every new video just in case she shows her butthole or something. lol


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
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There are a few like her, Kat wonders and recently Natalie Roush as well that I just check their threads and the images/what people write. I don't have the patience to even skip through the videos. I can understand slower progression but nothing at all or even regression... It seems crazy to me people still pay for these girls when a random youtube "try-on" video shows more
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May 5, 2024
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Yeah, I do the skip around thing for a few girls, Natalie Roush included. The thing is though this is just a sidehustle for these girls. They are considered influencers outside of OnlyFans where they get endorsements and stuff. Predictable risque content with occasional livestreams is all extra income that also generates renewed intrest in them. At least with Natalie she has no issue showing her tits and she has cupped her pussy while spreading her ass a few times with no underwear which is so much more than Caroline. Even if Caroline did that at the same pace as Natalie I'd feel different about her.


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
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I can totally understand it. I used to do it as well for Natalie. She has shown more than most of the other girls of whose content I don't watch and her breasts are great. However, she has stayed at the same place for so long, and kind of also regressed a little, showing her breasts less and less that I lost interest.
Caroline has had the same kind of progression/regression where at first she had slips and a lot of transparent stuff. Afterwards she started editing out any slips. I think she started loosing some of her patrons and she started to let a few of them in again. now I have no idea what she does, it seems there are a few slips now and again.
Kat wonders also had transparent stuff without pasties and slips before. Now you don't see anything. And I also think she looks way worse than before.
There are so many like this: Anna Zappala is another one who is kind of hot and was doing sexy stuff. Same thing years later, or even worse.
It's good for me though. means less time wasted.


Apr 15, 2022
You guys have made her rich by continuing to subscribe and buying PPV's just hoping for some nudity. She has been doing the same thing for years. As long as the money keeps coming in she will not change. The only way to make her change is to stop paying her, she will either show more or go away.
It makes me sick to see how wealthy she has become by milking vulnerable rich males dry ! Spend your money on the girls that show some skin , there are plenty around. Onlyfans should be for artists that get naked !


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
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My my, someone's (gutwagon ) own words, yet to contribute....
"If you are on this forum and have VIP videos and are not sharing them you should leave now. The whole idea of these forums is to share so if you are here to take only ,then you are a low person."
I'll take advice from someone who contributed before, but thanks for your wisdoms mate
May 5, 2024
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I think the problem people (myself included) are having with your original comment is that it comes off hostile and accusatory, while it's something that we don't really have control over. You are correct, if these OF models lost a significant amount of men subscribing, tipping, buying PPVs, then the models would likely respond accordingly by lowering prices or offering more revealing content. Certainly there are men for whatever reason that are purchasing this stuff that provides these models with a ton of money, and some of those men are here. But I'd guess that is a rather small percentage compared to everyone else here that just shares what has already been shared.

Also for the others paying legitimately, the degree of lewdness in the content may not even matter. Some guys have enough money that it's not even considered whether it is overpriced. Some guys really enjoy blowing money during livestreams just as some do at strip clubs. Some guys are just lonely and like getting positive feedback from an attractive woman that they will likely never experience in reality. Some guys become disillusioned into thinking that the models care about them personally when the models say their names in an affectionate tone of voice after a tip. These are the guys to be upset at if you want to be upset at those endorsing stale content.

Prior to you comment, we were just venting about declining hopes that these models will reveal more and how it's apparent that it won't be happening soon. Your frustration is valid, just not when directed towards the members of this forum.

I say all that like I'm a veteran member when I actually just joined. lol
Mar 11, 2022
to be honest guys she's not worth your time or effort to debate about her content. maybe she wanna give you this innocent look but she's so smart and there's people behind her think and knows everything you are discussing. probably she reviews these fourms and use it some how to attract more audience. lastly she wants money regardless of people satisfactions or agreements. literally she's using people like tools.


Jul 6, 2023
At the end of the day, in terms of value she offers it. Absolutely mid body/face and shows nothing. 200$ for a youtube level explicit try on haul? Yes please here's my money. She provides such good value. So stop complaining guys and start buying my ppvs! I mean her ppvs *cough *cough...
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Jul 6, 2023
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Deez just on the top of my watch list. Also Caroline is hot don't get me wrong. Definitely not close to the ugliest of chick's I've smacked my shit too. However for the price she charges for how mundane her content is, she's mid.


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
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Caroline has a pretty face but she's not something special. And her body is skinny with some ass and no tits, nothing to write home about. I think maybe part of her appeal is that she has the girl next door kind of look/vibe to her. I imagine it fits better for some of her paying fans with the idea they can see themselves with a girl like that. The parasocial angle is strong these days.
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Mar 11, 2022
guys once she reveal everything we will stop give her any attention and she knows that so the only reason people following her including me that we haven't seen everything yet . again i wish i were her , making easy money only bec there's dumb men on earth šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ¤¦šŸ»