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Simp Chat Canan ASMR - Discussion

What are you talking about openminded? Have you ever been to Japan? The majority of Japanese are super conservative. I lived studied in Japan for 3 years and can say that in that time I have only been on the handful of dates with the majority being other foreigners... This is also the same with making friends as they are a homogeneous type of people they tend to not let others in. They are kind at surface level but anything past that they do not like to overshare and are usually passive aggressive.

The few Japanese friends I did make told me about this concept that the majority of Japanese don't mind foreigners visiting but don't want them living here.. Even if you speak fluent Japanese and follow the customs they have, many will never accept them as one of their own.. Lastly don't give bro so much copium it's not "quite easy to get dates by being a average looking foreigner".. You'll definitely find better chances getting a few dates matching in places like Harujuku and Shinjuku but you'll need to at least be good looking and much more importantly know how to speak Japanese to actually hold a conversation.
yeah i feel this. currently in japan rn due to work and holy hell, they're fucking racists. well not outright racists but covertly racists
Let's hope she delivers something unique this time around for her FC stream, tbh, everything feels like is has been toned down SO MUCH since the nipple accident. I am not specting nipples again but hell, at least use that transparent chair more often.
during her nipple stream i heard from somone that she said
she said she used the dildo , it only fit the Tip because it was too big for her, she used it anyways , at what point in the stream did she say this?
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