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Simp Chat Canan ASMR - Discussion

i have seen that website and all of the fanclub streams there have been shared here, and all of the short vids, could you possibly be talking about the nico nico stream one then? in that case i dont think most people care about her nico nico ones since she opened her fanclub and im sure also that the nico nico thats posted over there has been shared once upon a time back then, sorry but by any chance are you new to her stuff?
Yeah I'm more or less new to her stuff, I knew about her but I dislike that she starts speaking loudly to the end of her videos. But then macoto started making all of her vids with a vibrator that sounds awful so I switched to canan. and yes I'm trying to download the niconico one from Mar/24/2023
Yeah I'm more or less new to her stuff, I knew about her but I dislike that she starts speaking loudly to the end of her videos. But then macoto started making all of her vids with a vibrator that sounds awful so I switched to canan. and yes I'm trying to download the niconico one from Mar/24/2023
good to know mate, but yes most of the stuff in that website already have the torrent for it in sukebei (im assuming you know this site because you know macoto), i think the website could come pretty handy if you dont want to waste time downloading stuff
Simps of a different breed, but simps all the same.

Not like I can or will judge. The vtuber rabbithole is what got me here to begin with
Much healthier community on this side of the globe anyways. No one is actually threatening on doxxing and fucking killing her for not being a virgin maiden.
not to sound arrogant or something but, what the hell did she expect when she uploaded things in the internet? we're in the digital age lol. anything and everything has a chance to get leaked
"digital goods" dont exist. Its all data anyways and its sold like crack
Much healthier community on this side of the globe anyways. No one is actually threatening on doxxing and fucking killing her for not being a virgin maiden.
yeah i agree, if she wasnt in hololive, i would dare say the nipslip wouldnt made a huge drama like it was, those fans really are delusional with their idol culture bullshit, who knows what kind of stuff we will get today if she wasnt in hololive so she doesnt have to protect her other image
I'll never understand the weird "purity" thing they have.
it's one of the dumbest logics you'll see out there, it's not surprising people don't get it.
Funnily enough it works backwards irl, a lot of "pure" girls in japan are way more likely to be batshit insane just hiding behind a pure and squeaky clean persona, and they get away with it by being cute and acting pure.

On the other end you got gyarus, japan's anthetesis of purity, they are incredibly descriminated against but that also makes them more openminded and chill, but since people really care about how you appear to be and not really who you actually are they prefer to side with the "pure" girls.
(it's just a general feeling of how things are perceived, not all people are like this)
fortunatelly times are changing and young people in japan are way more connected with western culture probably because of the internet.

Rip their birthrates tho, they dying, if only they allowed more foreigners looking for some japanese ladies, since all they guys there are too occupied simping for anime waifus
it's one of the dumbest logics you'll see out there, it's not surprising people don't get it.
Funnily enough it works backwards irl, a lot of "pure" girls in japan are way more likely to be batshit insane just hiding behind a pure and squeaky clean persona, and they get away with it by being cute and acting pure.

On the other end you got gyarus, japan's anthetesis of purity, they are incredibly descriminated against but that also makes them more openminded and chill, but since people really care about how you appear to be and not really who you actually are they prefer to side with the "pure" girls.
(it's just a general feeling of how things are perceived, not all people are like this)
fortunatelly times are changing and young people in japan are way more connected with western culture probably because of the internet.

Rip their birthrates tho, they dying, if only they allowed more foreigners looking for some japanese ladies, since all they guys there are too occupied simping for anime waifus
Breeding visas soon™
Mine'll be here any day now... :COPIUM:
Its mostly a machismo asian communitarian thing that turns women into an asset

:It also exists around my country and is solely based on feudal systems of ageing and draconian economical politics like the amassment of riches through nepotism pushing for hypergamia and social class wars.

Under that pretense, if something is "used" it looses its value. Imagine seeing women as items for sexual enjoyment. No wonder why people dont date in japan. Also, japanese are quite puritan with things as they believe something being used is simply being unboxed. Otherwise, things must remain frozen in time for them to hold any value. Such is their culture and their lack of change in social struggle.

Why puritan? Puritans lived a simple life based on the concepts of humility and simplicity
writing style. - Brittenenglishzone

I'll never understand the weird "purity" thing they have.
it's one of the dumbest logics you'll see out there, it's not surprising people don't get it.
Funnily enough it works backwards irl, a lot of "pure" girls in japan are way more likely to be batshit insane just hiding behind a pure and squeaky clean persona, and they get away with it by being cute and acting pure.

On the other end you got gyarus, japan's anthetesis of purity, they are incredibly descriminated against but that also makes them more openminded and chill, but since people really care about how you appear to be and not really who you actually are they prefer to side with the "pure" girls.
(it's just a general feeling of how things are perceived, not all people are like this)
fortunatelly times are changing and young people in japan are way more connected with western culture probably because of the internet.

Rip their birthrates tho, they dying, if only they allowed more foreigners looking for some japanese ladies, since all they guys there are too occupied simping for anime waifus
Yeah, asking a culture that allied with the nazis to be open on the idea of race intermixing is quite not a thing that will happen. Unless their society changes before they grow too old. But yeah, most old people in japan are now intermingling grandchildren from WW2. Also, it took 2 nukes to get them to listen to another political power. I just hope I get some asian pussy someday.
Its mostly a machismo asian communitarian thing that turns women into an asset

:It also exists around my country and is solely based on feudal systems of ageing and draconian economical politics like the amassment of riches through nepotism pushing for hypergamia and social class wars.

Under that pretense, if something is "used" it looses its value. Imagine seeing women as items for sexual enjoyment. No wonder why people dont date in japan. Also, japanese are quite puritan with things as they believe something being used is simply being unboxed. Otherwise, things must remain frozen in time for them to hold any value. Such is their culture and their lack of change in social struggle.

Why puritan? Puritans lived a simple life based on the concepts of humility and simplicity
writing style. - Brittenenglishzone

some actual dumb shit, something/someone could be pure looking on the outside but fully rotten on the inside, like a piece of bread, by the time you notice the mold spores on the outside, the inside is already contaminated, you could take out the spores (the green part) and it would look fine, but the toxins would still be there.
They don't view idols as people, same as western culture don't really see celebrities as people but in japan for some reason they are way more passionate about it, one little thing that would be nothing for us could be carrier ending for them.
Yeah, asking a culture that allied with the nazis to be open on the idea of race intermixing is quite not a thing that will happen. Unless their society changes before they grow too old. But yeah, most old people in japan are now intermingling grandchildren from WW2. Also, it took 2 nukes to get them to listen to another political power. I just hope I get some asian pussy someday.
the young people there are pretty chill and openminded but most of the people that run the country are old dusty asses almost kissing death on the lips, if only covid could've gottem :peepoGiggles:
if you do end up in japan someday, it's quite easy getting dates just by being an average looking foreigner, since you end up standing out among the everyday NPC japanese guy
some actual dumb shit, something/someone could be pure looking on the outside but fully rotten on the inside, like a piece of bread, by the time you notice the mold spores on the outside, the inside is already contaminated, you could take out the spores (the green part) and it would look fine, but the toxins would still be there.
They don't view idols as people, same as western culture don't really see celebrities as people but in japan for some reason they are way more passionate about it, one little thing that would be nothing for us could be carrier ending for them.
And that is the very thing. Many of these societal structures are based on ignorance and amassing people to act in herds instead of actually having any critical thinking for themselves.
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