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Simp Chat Berry - 빛베리 [Berry0314 / Lumiere Berry] Discussion

Does she put up vods late sometimes or do they not appear right away?

Whenever I catch a stream, I record during it because I heard some vods never get saved and also I was working anyways. She streamed twice on June 13, I uploaded the one on her past broadcast but haven't posted my recording of the second one. If I do need to post that, I'll need to reencode that and it's not even the full stream, it's missing like 30 minutes of the beginning because I didn't notice the stream earlier.

https://i.imgur was here once, but it's now gone/aLtQViP.jpg
Does she put up vods late sometimes or do they not appear right away?

Whenever I catch a stream, I record during it because I heard some vods never get saved and also I was working anyways. She streamed twice on June 13, I uploaded the one on her past broadcast but haven't posted my recording of the second one. If I do need to post that, I'll need to reencode that and it's not even the full stream, it's missing like 30 minutes of the beginning because I didn't notice the stream earlier.

https://i.imgur was here once, but it's now gone/aLtQViP.jpg
Why reencode? If you mean getting your .ts recording to .mp4 you just need to rewrap it with ffmpeg or with sth that uses ffmpeg like shutterencoder, really doesn't take long
Does she put up vods late sometimes or do they not appear right away?

Whenever I catch a stream, I record during it because I heard some vods never get saved and also I was working anyways. She streamed twice on June 13, I uploaded the one on her past broadcast but haven't posted my recording of the second one. If I do need to post that, I'll need to reencode that and it's not even the full stream, it's missing like 30 minutes of the beginning because I didn't notice the stream earlier.

https://i.imgur was here once, but it's now gone/aLtQViP.jpg
Got a real answer on why you reencode? Don't know why you took that as an insult, I was just curious cuz I'm not reencoding anything and get to the same files you uploaded in her thread

To answer your question: Very rarely she'll put a vod back to public later on if it was private, more often than not it's there while stream is running and updates every few minutes
Are you dumb? Dude look at my 60GB thumbnail photo and read your comment again.
Does she put up vods late sometimes or do they not appear right away?

Whenever I catch a stream, I record during it because I heard some vods never get saved and also I was working anyways. She streamed twice on June 13, I uploaded the one on her past broadcast but haven't posted my recording of the second one. If I do need to post that, I'll need to reencode that and it's not even the full stream, it's missing like 30 minutes of the beginning because I didn't notice the stream earlier.

https://i.imgur was here once, but it's now gone/aLtQViP.jpg
Appreciate what you do
Does she put up vods late sometimes or do they not appear right away?

Whenever I catch a stream, I record during it because I heard some vods never get saved and also I was working anyways. She streamed twice on June 13, I uploaded the one on her past broadcast but haven't posted my recording of the second one. If I do need to post that, I'll need to reencode that and it's not even the full stream, it's missing like 30 minutes of the beginning because I didn't notice the stream earlier.

https://i.imgur was here once, but it's now gone/aLtQViP.jpg
She/her mods may be unpublishing vods then republishing them later :peepoShrug:
Is anyone else following the current Berry drama?

Apparently she went live on instagram only speaking Korean, then posted this in her discord:


Because of the clear language barrier, my interpretation of the events will probably need correcting but from what I'm gathering from random messages in her discord:

Berry's husband got arrested for violence a year or two ago, and cut himself live on berry's stream. Berry said that he maxed out her credit card and that he was a bad guy or something. However, now for whatever reason she's bailed him out of prison and will be having him on her streams or something. Also I can't tell, but maybe she's also saying that she's broke now because she bailed him out of prison? Now her community is pissed or something. Also the Korean viewers are pissed that she's becoming more westernised and speaking in English a lot. And her english viewers are leaving and saying she is manipulating them for donos or some shit.

If anyone has their ear closer to the wall than me, could you please confirm/deny/explain any of this shit for me

edit: shoutout to that line "I've never lied before. I swear to God"
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I honestly don't give a shit about any of that. I'm not even here for the sexy stuff like you guys. I'm watching her for the comedy. I should post the clip I have of her explain that corn has 14% water... LOL
Is anyone else following the current Berry drama?

Apparently she went live on instagram only speaking Korean, then posted this in her discord:


Because of the clear language barrier, my interpretation of the events will probably need correcting but from what I'm gathering from random messages in her discord:

Berry's husband got arrested for violence a year ago, and cut himself live on berry's stream. Berry said that he maxed out her credit card and that he was a bad guy or something. However, now for whatever reason she's bailed him out of prison and will be having him on her streams or something. Also I can't tell, but maybe she's also saying that she's broke now because she bailed him out of prison? Now her community is pissed or something. Also the Korean viewers are pissed that she's becoming more westernised and speaking in English a lot. And her english viewers are leaving and saying she is manipulating them for donos or some shit.

If anyone has their ear closer to the wall than me, could you please confirm/deny/explain any of this shit for me

edit: shoutout to that line "I've never lied before. I swear to God"
Well after some extensive and autistic digging, i think i can give a "clearer" explanation. It's all very convoluted and quite frankly dumb, but regardless here's a possible explanation for the handful of fellow lovely people who maybe also care a little. Uhhh if you don't care about this look away:


- A few years ago, Berry's husband seemingly cut himself on her stream (while also calling her a whore) and got arrested afterwards. Berry returned a little while after to say that the her husband had also maxed out her credit card on gacha games and ran up a huge amount of debt, and was also now in jail for his violent actions. She noted she was in the process of divorcing him for this. Berry received a lot of support from her community during this time as they saw her as a single mother who was struggling to support her child after her husband ran them into debt and got arrested.

- Fast forward a year or two, and Berry is now quite successful after receiving a lot of support (mostly from her new western audience). Her Korean supporters are starting to get annoyed at the fact that she is speaking English more frequently, while also interacting with more American Streamers. They believe she is being westernised and leaving her Korean community behind, while her English speaking audience are content with this move (they also offer her heavy financial support).

- at the same time Berry starts posting cryptic messages on discord saying there's trouble afoot, while also going live on twitch every so often to not speak and hide her camera while music plays. No one is quite sure what's going on, but Berry reassures everyone she'll be back soon. She also seemingly denounces the Korean viewers more, stating that she plans to stream in English most of the time now since they're trying to control her life.

- All of this culminates into yesterday's shitstorm. Berry says that she'll be doing a Korean only stream on Instagram. However in the stream, everyone notices that she is sitting right next to her husband. The same husband who seemingly did all that shit before (and who everyone had assumed was still in prison). In this stream, Berry and him are laughing and joking around like a happily married couple, and no one really understands wtf is happening anymore. Berry randomly says she's going to start streaming with him once he gets on twitch (he actually made an account and was live today), and he drops a BOMBSHELL and says that they faked the whole divorce for cash. A few things were lost in translation during this stream, however someone noted that she said she also had to pay his bail. To hilariously add insult to injury, Berry says that this might be the last Korean only stream.

- So now everyone's fucking pissed, loyal fans (Korean and English) all start leaving. English supporters feel "manipulated" because they gave her lots of money for a situation that she seemingly bullshitted for money, and Korean supporters were already pissed about her speaking in English at all. However, things don't end here. Just after the livestream ended, Berry went into discord to tell everyone that she's never lied in her life, on god and said that she'd also been through a lot of trouble at some point, She also says that she's broke now (after paying her husbands bail/debts?). She then proceeds to go live on twitch with no cam and no sound. She spent a while just typing messages into chat essentially saying the same things, BUT ALSO seemingly threatening to end her life if chat didn't chill. It's all chaos, and at some point her mod steps in to ask why she had suddenly decided to unban a very toxic oiler. Her response was just a little too incoherent for me to translate, however, almost immediately that toxic oiler gifted over 100 subs.

- So where are we now? Well, after going live for the first time ever on twitch, Berry's husband immediately starts farming drama (clearly a natural-born streamer) and says that all the Korean streamers are fake as fuck, and tried to break up him and berry or something. Berry is now trying to move past everything and is also still claiming to be broke. It turns out she didn't just unban the toxic oiler, she also unbanned every single previously banned user, as she states that she is now desperate for money. Her core community are on the verge of breaking off, and things are quite the shambles if I do say so myself. What does this mean for you? for us as viewers? Absolutely fucking nothing. Berry says she's going to purge anyone who talks about this, and will just go back to the regular streams as soon as possible.

edit: this might explain why her last few streams have been especially lewd. And while writing this, she is now in discord replying to English viewers trying to calm everything down. I probably won't update this.
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Well after some extensive and autistic digging, i think i can give a "clearer" explanation. It's all very convoluted and quite frankly dumb, but regardless here's a possible explanation for the handful of fellow lovely people who maybe also care a little. Uhhh if you don't care about this look away:


- A few years ago, Berry's husband seemingly cut himself on her stream and got arrested afterwards. Berry returned a little while after to say that the her husband had also maxed out her credit card on gacha games and ran up a huge amount of debt, and was also now in jail for his violent actions. She noted she was in the process of divorcing him for this. Berry received a lot of support from her community during this time as they saw her as a single mother who was struggling to support her child after her husband ran them into debt and got arrested.

- Fast forward a year or two, and Berry is now quite successful after receiving a lot of support (mostly from her new western audience). Her Korean supporters are starting to get annoyed at the fact that she is speaking English more frequently, while also interacting with more American Streamers. They believe she is being westernised and leaving her Korean community behind, while her English Speaking audience are content with this move (they also offer her heavy financial support).

- at the same time Berry starts posting cryptic messages on discord saying there's trouble afoot, while also going live on twitch every so often to not speak and hide her camera while music plays. No one is quite sure what's going on, but Berry reassures everyone she'll be back soon. She also seemingly denounces the Korean viewers more, stating that she plans to stream in English most of the time now since they're trying to control her life.

- All this leads up into the culmination of yesterday's shitstorm. Berry says that she'll be doing a Korean only stream on Instagram. However, in the stream everyone notices that she is sitting right next to her husband. The same husband who seemingly did all that shit before (and who everyone had assumed was still in prison). In this stream, Berry and him are laughing and joking around like a happily married couple, and no one really understands wtf is happening anymore. Berry says she's going to start streaming with him once he gets on twitch (he actually made an account and was live today), and he drops a BOMB and says that they faked the whole divorce for cash. A few things were lost in translation during this stream, however someone noted that she said she paid his bail. To hilariously add insult to injury, Berry hints that this might be the last Korean only stream.

- So now everyone's fucking pissed, loyal fans (Korean and English) all start leaving. English supports feel "manipulated" because they gave her lots of money for a situation that she seemingly bullshitted for money, and Korean supporters were already pissed about her speaking in English at all. However, things don't end here. Just after the livestream ended, Berry went into discord to tell everyone that she's never lied in her life, on god and said that she'd been through a lot of trouble at some point, She also says that she's broke now (after paying her husbands bail?). She then proceeds to go live on twitch with no cam and no sound. She spent a while just typing messages into chat, essentially saying the same things BUT ALSO seemingly threatening to end her life if chat didn't chill. It's all chaos, and at some point her mod steps in to ask why she had suddenly decided to unban a very toxic oiler. Her response was just a little too incoherent for me to translate, however, almost immediately that toxic oiler gifted over 100 subs.

- So where are we now? Well, after going live for the first time ever on twitch, Berry's husband immediately farms drama (clearly a natural-born streamer) and says that all the Korean streamers are fake as fuck, and tried to break up him and berry or something. Berry is now trying to move past everything and is also still claiming to be broke. It turns out she didn't just unban the toxic oiler, she also unbanned every single previously banned user, as she states that she is now desperate for money. Her core community are on the verge of breaking off, and things are quite the shambles if I do say so myself. What does this mean for you? for us as viewers? Absolutely fucking nothing. Berry says she's going to purge anyone who talks about this, and will just go back to the regular streams as soon as possible.

edit: this might explain why her last few streams have been especially lewd. And while writing this, she is now in discord replying to English viewers trying to calm everything down. I probably won't update this

Thanks for the summary.

What a mess, this a really bad look for her. Faking a divorce for money like wtf. Also, why would you bring a guy back onto your stream that cut himself on your stream and got your channel banned already. Weird shit.

At the end of the day, she's too hot to fail. She might lose some current oilers and cummunity, but she'll get new ones. That's the usual cycle anyways for e-girls. Streamers in general seem like some of the fakest people, it's crazy how many simps idolize these people or think they actually know them.

I just hope she ends up on FlexTV or one of those other Korean chaturbate-lite platforms :PepeLaugh:
also aren't like korean coomers way more 'oilier' than westerners? I remember reading that even the 10 20 viewer coomer streamers would have 1 or 2 oilers who would donate thousands both on twitch and afreekatv
I would agree with you that korean streams seem to get way more support from their oilers, no idea if that's a cultural thing?! But all these streams also have way more people actually invested in the streamers far beyond cooming. The 10-20 viewers streamer oilers in particular.
I just doubt that the actual oiler is much of a coomer or at least stays and chats after cooming :KEKW:
I would agree with you that korean streams seem to get way more support from their oilers, no idea if that's a cultural thing?! But all these streams also have way more people actually invested in the streamers far beyond cooming. The 10-20 viewers streamer oilers in particular.
I just doubt that the actual oiler is much of a coomer or at least stays and chats after cooming :KEKW:
its because those oilers are actually dating or doing compensating dating behind the scenes. im pretty sure berry's husband was similar to an oiler and had money so thats why she married him. also those streamers with 10 viewers hide their relationship status to continue to gain money which is why berry reaches out to western viewers because the top dogs wont fuck with a married woman
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