• We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.


  1. Question MYM.fans scraping profile feed and private messages?

    Hi, I recently paid for a sub to a girl on MYM.fans, but I can now see that every photo in her profile feed or the private messages she sends out to people has user-specific watermarks. So, I wonder how I can scrape and share the images here without completely exposing myself due to the...
  2. Support Watermark advertisement for a third-party/blacklisted site list?

    Hi. One of my posts got deleted because "watermarked with advertisement for a third-party/blacklisted site", thats fine! I removed the file. But what i would like to know, is there a list what we can see which sites are blacklisted? I searched and didnt find a list. With a list we can go through...
  3. Support Most efficient way to blur a link/name in a video

    I've done this with my device but it's via pixilation and looks kinda ugly lol What do yall typically use, that it blurs like this here example: https://cyberfile.su/9e9T Cause sometimes pixilation bleeds into parts the video itself where it wasn't used, so I'd prefer to just use a blur.
  4. Feedback Regarding 3rd party site/forum watermark on contents.

    I've been uploading some videos from a "website" where new contents are being leaked by people who have been subscribed to their OnlyFans creator. They do this because the content they post will be available only to those who are friends with them and it's not open to the public...
  5. Support Question about watermark

    Hey guys, I've seen several videos having the watermark "@nudies 2019 or @nudies 2020 " is this allowed, idk if I would consider it water mark since its not pointing a particular site but its on the video and couldn't google anything about it? so before I post something that has it attached to...
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