Guide Installing Stable Diffusion Webui & Nudifying (Inpainting) Guide

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Tier 3 Sub
May 16, 2022

DISCLAIMER: This is still quite bleeding edge and technical, there are probably cases / errors that are not included in this guide, and can cause you to waste time and effort without any success.​

0. Introduction​

This guide will provide steps to install AUTOMATIC1111's Webui several ways.

After the guide, you should be able to go from the left image, to the right,

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Recommended Requirements:
Windows 10/11, 32 GB of RAM and a Nvidia graphics card with at least 4-6 GB VRAM (not tested by me, but reported to work), but the more the better.

For AMD GPU cards check out
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Non-GPU (not tested, proceed at own risk :pauseChamp: )
It does work without a Nvidia graphics card (GPU), but when using just the CPU it will take 10 to 25 minutes PER IMAGE, whereas with a GPU it will take 10 - 30 seconds per image. (images with a resolution of < 1024px, for larger pictures, it takes longer)
Windows 10/11, 64 GB of RAM. It needs a lot more RAM to be able to do this without a graphics card (my guess).

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2. The WEBUI!​

Wait until you see

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Then go to
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in any browser.

You should see something similar to this:

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The 'hardest' part should be done.

3. Inpainting model for nudes​

  • Realistic Vision InPainting
    Go to
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    (account required) and under Versions, select the inpainting model (v13), then at the right, download "Pruned Model SafeTensor" and "Config".

  • Uber Realistic Porn Merge
    Go to
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    (account required) and under Versions, click on 'URPMv1.3-inpainting', then at the right, download "Pruned Model SafeTensor" and "Config".
Save the model and config file to the "models/Stable-diffusion" (native) or "data/StableDiffusion" (docker) folder in the Webui project you unzipped earlier, they should have the same name, except the extension.

4. Embeddings​

Add the following files in the 'data/embeddings'

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These allow you to add 'breasts', 'small_tits' and 'Style-Unshaved' in your prompt, and provide better quality breasts / vaginas. The first one is more generalized, the latter is well.. yes.

5. Loading Model​

In the webui, at the top left, "Stable Diffusion checkpoint", hit the 'Refresh' icon.

Now you should see the uberRealisticPornMerge_urpmv13 model in the list, select it.

6. Model Parameters​

Go to the 'img2img' tab, and then the 'Inpaint' tab.

In the first textarea (positive prompt), enter

RAW photo of a nude woman, naked​

In the second textarea (negative prompt), enter

((clothing), (monochrome:1.3), (deformed, distorted, disfigured:1.3), (hair), jeans, tattoo, wet, water, clothing, shadow, 3d render, cartoon, ((blurry)), duplicate, ((duplicate body parts)), (disfigured), (poorly drawn), ((missing limbs)), logo, signature, text, words, low res, boring, artifacts, bad art, gross, ugly, poor quality, low quality, poorly drawn, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy​

If not otherwise mentioned, leave default,

Masked content: fill (will just fill in the area without taking in to consideration the original masked 'content', but play around with others too)​
Inpaint area: Only masked
Sampling method: DPM++ SDE Karras (one of the better methods that takes care of using similar skin colors for masked area, etc)​
Sampling steps: start with 20, then increase to 50 for better quality/results when needed. But the higher, the longer it takes. I have mostly good results with 20, but it all depends on the complexity of the source image and the masked area.​
CFG Scale: 7 - 12 (mostly 7)​
Denoise Strength: 0.75 (default, the lower you set this, the more it will look like the original masked area)​

These are just recommendations / what works for me, experiment / test out yourself to see what works for you.

  • EXPERIMENT: don't take this guide word-by-word.. try stuff
  • Masked contentoptions:
    • Fill: will fill in based on the prompt without looking at the masked area
    • Original: will use the masked area to make a guess to what the masked content should include. This can be useful in some cases to keep body shape, but will more easily take over the clothes
    • Latent Noise: will generate new noise based on the masked content
    • Latent Nothing: will generate no initial noise
  • Denoising strength: the lower the closer to the original image, the higher the more "freedom" you give to the generator
  • Use a higher batch count to generate more images in one setting
  • Change masked padding, pixels this will include fewer/more pixels (e.g. at the edges), so the model will learn how to "fix" inconsistencies at the edges.

7. Images​

Stable Diffusion models work best with images with a certain resolution, so it's best to crop your images to the smallest possible area.

You can use any photo manipulation software, or use
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Open your preferred image in the left area.

8. Masking​

Now it's time to mask / paint over all the areas you want to 'regenerate', so start painting over all clothing. You can change the size of the brush at the right of the image.

Tips / Issues:
  • Mask more, go outside of the edges of the clothes. If you only mask clothes, the generator doesn't know about any skin colors, so it's best you include parts of the unclothed body (e.g.. neck, belly, hands, etc).
  • And sometimes: you forgot to mask some (tiny) area of the clothes.. this is esp. difficult to find with clothes that are dark. But look at the "in progress" images that are generated during the process.. you should normally see where it is.

9. Inpainting, finally!​

Hit generate. Inspect image, and if needed, retry.

10. Optimizations​

When the model is generating weird or unwanted things, add them to the 'Negative Prompt'. I've already added some, like hair, water, etc. In some cases you need to add 'fingers', since Stable Diffusion is quite bad at generating fingers.

Sometimes it's needed to add extra words to the (positive) prompt, i.e. sitting, standing, ..

11. Additional Tips​

  • When asking for help, don't forget to add a screenshots of the console output, your masked image (do not post private images) and the model parameters.
  • Whenever you see 'OOM (Out of Memory)' in the console output, it most of the time means that you do not have enough (graphics) VRAM to run it.
  • You should be able to use 'Docker Desktop' to start and stop the container from now on. When not in use, it's best to stop the container, since it keeps a 'hold' on a lot of RAM and (graphics) VRAM.
  • Also check that the width & height in the model parameters are close / equal to that of the source image, or leave it at the default: 512x512.
  • Keep an eye on your RAM usage, depending on the amount, it's possible you will run out of RAM, and Windows will probably get very sluggish since it needs to swap constantly.
  • More parameter tweaks can be found in this guide (external):
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  • Now that you have this installed, also check out the 'text to image' and prompting guide by dkdoc at
  • Discord at
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    , this Discord has links to interesting embeddings and models in the 'Resources' channels
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Diamond Tier
Mar 14, 2022
So I don't want this running all the time. How would I shut it down and start it back up next time?

This works really well by the way.
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Mar 12, 2022
Works very well, thank you. The only thing I don't like is that there is not much variety for boobs and vaginas... or I'm just too stupid to make small boobs.
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Tier 3 Sub
May 16, 2022
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Yeah, it's hit-or-miss.. you can tweak it a bit by using the 'embeddings' mentioned in the guide.

There is also
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, try adding it at he front of the prompt for better priority, or you can use ((Style-Unshaved)) to give it more focus.
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Tier 3 Sub
May 16, 2022
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If this is after a clean install, it seems this is a recent bug in the AUTOMATIC1111 repository. More info:
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Since this guide is based on docker, at initial startup, it will retrieve all the code from the AUTOMATIC1111 repository at that time.

Hopefully this will be a temporary issue and be fixed by the developers behind AUTOMATIC1111.

I've updated the guide in the "Bugs" section with a temporary fix until AUTOMATIC1111 fixes it.

You can try the following if you are comfortable with CMD / PS:

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However, this is not tested.
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Tier 3 Sub
May 16, 2022
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Then it's best to wait until they fix the issue. Afterwards you can delete the container in Docker Desktop, and then redo the steps (ex. the docker desktop install).

InvokeAI is a whole other web application / repository, and this guide does not cover that one.
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Feb 6, 2023
for first timers like me, i feel this guide is incomplete, i had to go to docker's settings->resources then file sharing to enable file sharing with the folder where I extracted the webui zip to get the download up part to work
but first things first (for those who don't have wsl installed or up-to-date)
I would have had to either enable Hyper-V in Window's Program&Features (its not on by default)
go the long route and install/update WSL to 2.0 (which is quite difficult for the technically challenged like me)
I ended up choosing hyper-v (had to reinstall docker)

i'm at the docker compose --profile auto up --build part and cmd is throwing this error at me:
nvidia-container-cli: initialization error: load library failed: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory: unknown

based on a few google results that I can somewhat understand, i'm downloading nvidia cuda driver and hoping this error is fixed but oooooof...idk then I presume I would have to do some sort of command related to nvidia-docker2 -install which is another rabbit hole like holy i'm so lost

edit:dl'd cuda ,, still threw the same 2 errors i'm stuck but man this was a frustrating huge waste of bandwidth and time
i missed it but there was another error beside nvidia container error:
Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error running hook #0: error running hook: exit status 1, stdout: , stderr: Auto-detected mode as 'legacy'

maybe throw in a guide disclaimer to warn windows users that this uses linux distros and etc and if theres even one error then its a huge hurdle to push through, i lost but honestly thought it would be a plug-n-play experience from how simple the guide looked on the surface lol...
hope OP at least considers adding the disclaimer+editing docker settings for future readers
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Tier 3 Sub
May 16, 2022
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Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I cannot foresee all cases, so your info helps to update the guide.

I've added:

- Disclaimer
- 0. Windows 10/11 service pack requirements
- 1.1. Additional steps for Docker Desktop: WSL or Hyper-V
- 1.2. Hyper-V File Sharing


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
The process randomly stopping at like ~91% sometimes. Is that because I'm running out of VRAM?


Tier 3 Sub
May 16, 2022
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Unfortunately, you won't see many ppl doing this for free, since else everybody would request embeddings.

Also, you will probably won't find many ppl making embeddings for private individuals.

There are some ppl with a Patreon (or similar) where you can request models / embeddings / lora, but you have to pay for it.
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Tier 3 Sub
May 16, 2022
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These are not endorsements of any kind, check their previews / samples, amount of donations, etc. before you pay any money.

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($20 / custom embed)
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($15 / custom embed)
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($20 / embed)
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($20 / embed)
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($ 20 / model)

Most embeddings can be created with a little work, collecting images, preprocessing them and then training. AFAIK with 6 GB of VRAM you can train these yourself. A couple of hours work for anyone with some technical know-how and willingness to learn 🚀
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Mar 15, 2022
When I try to preprocess images, I can't seem to get the source and destination directory correct. Nothing happens and the images aren't run through. Any advice on the format?


Tier 3 Sub
May 16, 2022
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For the source and destination directories, it's best to use /data as a root. I usually use /data/train/<project>/src and /data/train/<project>/dst as output.

If you followed the guide, the paths are "paths within docker", and only /data is one of the paths that is shared on your disk.

Depending on which training extension you used, the output could be inside of docker, and not shared / visible.

In that case you will need to go "inside" of your docker container:

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